Taklamakan’s European Mummies: Desert’s Strange Guests

16/10/2024 By

3,000 years ago he was about 2 metres tall. He was buried wearing a crimson double-breasted tunic and striped trousers. He looks like a Bronze Age European. In fact, he has all the characteristics of a Celt, as evidenced by his DNA. However, this is not an ancient native of central Scotland. That is the man from the mummified body of Cherchen, found in the lonely reaches of the Taklamakan Desert. It is now in a museum in Urumqi, the provincial capital. In the language of the Xinjiang Uighurs, Taklamakan means “one enters not to come out.”

Aristocratic Crypt Baby: Sunlight’s Fatal Lack

16/10/2024 By

Iп а fаsciпаtiпg ѕtυdy сoпdυсted by ѕcieпtiѕtѕ іп Germапy, а 17th-сeпtυry сhild mυmmy hаs beeп сlosely exаmiпed υѕiпg аdvапced ѕcieпtific teсhпiqυes апd hіstorіcal reсords. The …

Thousand-Year-Old ‘Lady’ Mummies: Braids Endure

16/10/2024 By

In the lures of ancient history, a remarkable discovery has captivated the world: the preservation of the eternal beauty of the mummy “ladies”, adorned with intricately braided hair, remains intact even after millennia.

Cleopatra VII: Egypt’s Last Pharaoh’s Reign

16/10/2024 By

Era políglota, ya que hablaba nueve idiomas, incluido el antiguo egipcio y las lenguas de los partos, hebreos, medos, trogloditas, sirios, etíopes y árabes.

Winged Giant Skeleton: A Community Stirred

16/10/2024 By

The skeleton was reportedly discovered during an excavation at an undisclosed location in the Middle East. Researchers were stunned by the sight of the skeleton, which they estimated to be at least 100 feet long and 100 feet wide.

Visionaries of History: Untold Stories Unfold

16/10/2024 By

Iп the vast paпorama of hυmaп history, a remarkable cadre of visioпaries has emerged, challeпgiпg the пorms of their eras aпd propelliпg hυmaпity iпto υпexplored realms of thoυght aпd iппovatioп. This article embarks oп a joυrпey to delve iпto the overlooked stories of these pioпeers of aпtiqυity, sheddiпg light oп their extraordiпary achievemeпts aпd the eпdυriпg impact they’ve left oп the aппals of history.

Mermaids or Sirens: Sea’s True Masters?

16/10/2024 By

Oceanic legends often speak of mystical creatures that rule the vast expanse of the sea. Among them, mermaids feature prominently in maritime folklore. These enchanting …

Greek Laptop Relief: Time Travel’s Next Clue?

16/10/2024 By

Could this be a coincidence or proof that advanced technology is on its way? Could this be proof that time travel technology already exists?

Haunted Plane’s Mystery: 70 Years Below Ground

16/10/2024 By

In the desolate expanse of an abandoned airfield, beneath the glare of floodlights and the hum of heavy machinery, a team of archaeologists and aviation experts embarked on a journey into the heart of darkness. Their mission: to excavate a long-forgotten relic of the past: a haunted plane that had lain buried for more than seven decades, shrouded in mystery and legend.

Giant Skeleton Enigma: Alien Origins Debated

16/10/2024 By

Stories of giant skeletons discovered in various parts of the world have sparked speculation about their origins, with some suggesting they could be evidence of …