Medieval Warrior’s Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

October 14, 2024

Medieval Warrior's Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

Medieval Warrior's Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

Our world is full of stories and it is sometimes difficult to represent what really happened years ago. But this was obviously without taking advantage of the boost of technology that allowed scientists to recreate in every detail the face of a map that died in 1361 during the Battle of Visby in Sweden, one of the most savage in Europe. about 2,500 inhabitants, most of whom were farmers or elderly people who did not

Medieval Warrior's Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

equipped to face such a fight. Researchers discovered a mass grave containing bodies and skeletons of victims from the Swedish island of Gotlad. In particular, they found the skull of a medieval warrior which they mapped to digitally reconstruct his face, which had been split by an axe with the help of Brazilian 3D designer Cicero Moraes. His mouth had been cut in two and his teeth had been broken, while there were also wounds above his eye.

Medieval Warrior's Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

and the left cheekbone. After carefully studying the skull, Cicero Moraes distributed a series of markers over it to encompass the jumping areas. Based on the skull alone, he was able to determine the size of the posture, mouth and eyes. In contrast, for the hair and the jump, he had to show a little imagination. He managed to complete the representation of

Medieval Warrior's Face from 1361 Recreated from Battle-Damaged Skull

The face is a three-dimensional model of the skull from the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm. The EPD result is quite striking and shows a lot of realism and precision.