New Archaeological Finds Spark Debate Over the Existence of Giants in Human History

New Archaeological Finds Spark Debate Over the Existence of Giants in Human History

From myths to historical records, the image of giants with extraordinary stature has appeared in the cultures of many peoples around the world. However, their actual existence has always been a subject of intense debate. Recent archaeological finds have once again ignited this discussion.

Groundbreaking Discoveries:

  • Strange skeletons: In many places around the world, archaeologists have found skeletons much larger than those of ordinary humans. Some skeletons are said to be over 3 meters tall, and there are even cases where they are even taller. These findings have sparked a wave of interest in the research community and the public.
  • Mysterious architectural structures: Many ancient architectural structures, such as giant stone statues, pyramids, and ancient cities, demonstrate incredible levels of construction and architecture. Some believe that only giants could have created such magnificent structures.
  • Historical records and legends: Ancient cultures, such as the Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and many indigenous peoples around the world, all have stories and legends about giants. These records often describe giants as powerful creatures with supernatural strength and playing an important role in the history of nations.

Debate and Explanation:

  • Hypothesis about giants: Those who believe in the existence of giants often present archaeological evidence, architectural structures, and historical records to prove their point. They argue that giants may be an extinct ancient human species or a different evolutionary branch of humans.
  • Scientific explanation: Scientists often have different explanations for archaeological findings and stories about giants. They suggest that large skeletons may be caused by particular pathologies, and architectural structures may be built by humans with the help of ancient technologies.


The existence of giants remains a mystery with no final answer. New archaeological finds continue to bring new evidence and new questions, making this debate even more exciting and attracting the attention of many people. Whatever the truth is, exploring and researching this topic helps us to better understand the history and diversity of life on Earth.