Sphinx’s Hidden Chambers: Scientists Left Curious

16/10/2024 By msngan

The Egyptian Sphinx at Giza could be the entrance to a “secret city” underground, according to the latest research by historians.

A mummy from the Chachapoyas culture has been discovered near the Amazon rainforest in northern Peru.

16/10/2024 By mrbill

A mummy originating from the Chachapoyas culture has been discovered near the Amazon rainforest in northern Peru. This intriguing mummy, which appears to have been silently screaming for centuries, is believed to date back to a period spanning between 900 and 1500 BC. The excavation site has also yielded many other mummies. These discoveries, including dozens of mummies, are currently on display at the Leymebamba Museum in Peru.

Reconstruction of King Djoser, also known as Netjerikhet, was the second King of the 3rd Dynasty (ca. 2650-2575 BC) of ancient Kemet

16/10/2024 By msngan

The painted limestone statue of Zoser, now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, is the oldest known life-size Egyptian statue. The statue was found during the Antiquities Service's excavations of 1924-1925. Today, at the site in Saqqara where it was found, a plaster copy of the statue stands in place of the original.

Crypt’s Mummified Child: Sunlight’s Absence

16/10/2024 By mrbill

In a fascinating study by scientists in Germany, a 17th-century child mummy has been closely examined using advanced scientific techniques. d historical records. The discoveries …

A 370,000-Year-Old Tomb: Devil’s Quiet Resting Place

16/10/2024 By msngan

Throughout history, there is a mystifying and surprising appeal. These epigmatic artifacts and archaeological discoveries possess an incredible ability to capture the public imagination. Perhaps it is the blockbuster nature of these eigmas that fuels our curiosity and makes it very easy to interpret captivating explanations for their existence.

Taklamakan’s European Mummies: Desert’s Strange Guests

16/10/2024 By mrbill

3,000 years ago he was about 2 metres tall. He was buried wearing a crimson double-breasted tunic and striped trousers. He looks like a Bronze Age European. In fact, he has all the characteristics of a Celt, as evidenced by his DNA. However, this is not an ancient native of central Scotland. That is the man from the mummified body of Cherchen, found in the lonely reaches of the Taklamakan Desert. It is now in a museum in Urumqi, the provincial capital. In the language of the Xinjiang Uighurs, Taklamakan means “one enters not to come out.”

Aristocratic Crypt Baby: Sunlight’s Fatal Lack

16/10/2024 By msngan

Iп а fаsciпаtiпg ѕtυdy сoпdυсted by ѕcieпtiѕtѕ іп Germапy, а 17th-сeпtυry сhild mυmmy hаs beeп сlosely exаmiпed υѕiпg аdvапced ѕcieпtific teсhпiqυes апd hіstorіcal reсords. The …

Thousand-Year-Old ‘Lady’ Mummies: Braids Endure

16/10/2024 By msngan

In the lures of ancient history, a remarkable discovery has captivated the world: the preservation of the eternal beauty of the mummy “ladies”, adorned with intricately braided hair, remains intact even after millennia.

Cleopatra VII: Egypt’s Last Pharaoh’s Reign

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Era políglota, ya que hablaba nueve idiomas, incluido el antiguo egipcio y las lenguas de los partos, hebreos, medos, trogloditas, sirios, etíopes y árabes.

In 1974, Egypt had to issue a passport to Ramses II, 3,000 years after his death.

16/10/2024 By mrbill

In 1974, an extraordinary event occurred when Ramses II, the renowned Egyptian pharaoh, embarked on a journey to the Louvre Museum in Paris to undertake …