When scientists at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex in Peru unveiled the reconstructed face of a 1,700-year-old mummy earlier this month, Tulane University anthropology professor …
Beneath the ocean depths, hidden for more than three centuries, an astonishing archaeological find has left the scientific community speechless. At the heart
Iп a remarkable bleпd of history aпd moderп scieпce, researchers have sυccessfυlly recoпstrυcted the face of a medieval warrior who lived aпd foυght iп the …
Researchers in Italy have discovered a well-preserved chariot at a villa outside of Pompeii, the ill-fated Roman city razed by a volcanic eruption in 79 …
The diorite statue of Pharaoh Khafre, housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, remains an archaeological mystery that challenges our understanding of ancient Egyptian technology. …