Nikola Tesla Secretly Discovered An Extraterrestrial Language That He Didn’t Understand, Tesla’s Biographer Revealed

13/01/2025 By Tony

In 1899, Nikola Tesla was testing his own created transmitter to track storms 1,000 km away, when suddenly, he believed he had received a kind of transmission

Sumerian And Biblical Texts Claim People Lived For 1000 Years Before The Great Flood: Is It True?

13/01/2025 By Tony

An individual’s “absolute limit” on life expectancy, according to a study published in Nature, lies somewhere between 120 and 150 years. The Bowhead whale has

DNA Tests Reveal That Paracas Skulls Are Not Human

13/01/2025 By Tony

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the province of Pisco, in the Ica Region, on the southern coast of Peru. It is here that the Peruvian

Footprints On The Wall: Were Dinosaurs Actually Climbing The Cliffs In Bolivia?

13/01/2025 By Tony

Some ancient rock art depicts our ancestors’ purposeful leaving of handprints, providing a permanent mark of their existence. The startling prints discovered

Archaeologists Discover Intricately Decorated Tomb Belonging to a Doctor Who Treated Egyptian Pharaohs 4,100 Years Ago

13/01/2025 By Tony

The chamber holds a stone coffin engraved with the physician’s name and titles, which include “director of medicinal plants” and “chief dentist”

Have Archaeologists Finally Found The Lost ‘Temple Of Hercules’ In Spain?

13/01/2025 By Tony

Researchers say they’ve discovered the ruins of the long-lost Temple of Hercules in a shallow channel in the Bay of Cádiz.

Archaeologists Now Believe That 8,000-year-old Human Skeletons From Portugal Are The World’s Oldest Mummies

13/01/2025 By Tony

According to research based on historical photographs, the bones may have been preserved millennia before the otherwise oldest-known mummies.According to new

Phineas Gage — The Man Who Lived After His Brain Was Impaled With An Iron Rod!

13/01/2025 By Tony

Have you ever heard of Phineas Gage? A fascinating case, almost 200 years ago, this man suffered an accident at work that changed the course of

The Mysterious Ancient Statue of the Maya: A Clue to Space Travel in an Ancient Civilization?

13/01/2025 By msngan

Deep within the annals of history lies the enigmatic legacy of the ancient Maya civilization, a culture renowned for its astronomical knowledge, advanced architecture, and …

The 2,500-Year-Old Mystery of the World’s Strangest Mummified Cat: 3 Tails, 5 Legs Shocking Discovery!

13/01/2025 By mrbill

Through CT scanning, experts at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) discovered the world’s most unusual mummified cat. This ancient Egyptian cat …