The Origins Of Ancient Aryan Mummies And The Mysterious Pyramids Of China

13/01/2025 By Tony

Archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China’s Tarim Basin thousands of years before East Asian people arrived.

Exploring Tomb KV35: The Home Of The Enigmatic Younger Lady In The Valley Of The Kings

13/01/2025 By Tony

Perhaps one of the most surprising mysteries still surrounding the family of King Tutankhamun is the identity of his mother. She is never mentioned in an inscription and, even though the pharaoh’s tomb is filled with thousands upon thousands of personal objects, not a single artifact states her name.

Ancient Map Of The Universe: What’s The Hidden Truth Behind The Sri Lankan Stargate?

13/01/2025 By Tony

For many years, people around the globe have suggested the possibility that a mysterious image on a rock in the ancient city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka

Ancient Peruvian Death Mask From 10,000 BC? It’s Made Of Unearthly Material!

13/01/2025 By Tony

Researchers discovered the oldest mask of the Inca god made from a material that is literally not found on Earth!

Astrophysicist Ron Mallet Claims To Know How To Build A Time Machine!

13/01/2025 By Tony

Astrophysicist Ron Mallett believes he’s found a way to travel back in time — theoretically. The tenured University of Connecticut physics professor recently

Nikola Tesla Secretly Discovered An Extraterrestrial Language That He Didn’t Understand, Tesla’s Biographer Revealed

13/01/2025 By Tony

In 1899, Nikola Tesla was testing his own created transmitter to track storms 1,000 km away, when suddenly, he believed he had received a kind of transmission

Sumerian And Biblical Texts Claim People Lived For 1000 Years Before The Great Flood: Is It True?

13/01/2025 By Tony

An individual’s “absolute limit” on life expectancy, according to a study published in Nature, lies somewhere between 120 and 150 years. The Bowhead whale has

DNA Tests Reveal That Paracas Skulls Are Not Human

13/01/2025 By Tony

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the province of Pisco, in the Ica Region, on the southern coast of Peru. It is here that the Peruvian

Footprints On The Wall: Were Dinosaurs Actually Climbing The Cliffs In Bolivia?

13/01/2025 By Tony

Some ancient rock art depicts our ancestors’ purposeful leaving of handprints, providing a permanent mark of their existence. The startling prints discovered

Archaeologists Discover Intricately Decorated Tomb Belonging to a Doctor Who Treated Egyptian Pharaohs 4,100 Years Ago

13/01/2025 By Tony

The chamber holds a stone coffin engraved with the physician’s name and titles, which include “director of medicinal plants” and “chief dentist”