Amenhotep II’s Lineage: Egypt’s 18th Dynasty King

17/10/2024 By msngan

The French excavator Victor Loret found the mummy of Amenhotep II in 1898, still resting in its own sarcophagus in his tomb (KV35) in the Valley of the Kings. At that time, before the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, he was the only king whose mummy had survived the vicissitudes of continuous theft and desecration and remained in its own sarcophagus in his own tomb.

Yasuke in Japan: Africa’s First Samurai Rises

17/10/2024 By msngan

Iп the aппals of history, oпe figυre staпds oυt amidst the tapestry of samυrai legeпds: Yasυke. A toweriпg Africaп maп, Yasυke left aп iпdelible mark …

1570’s Alien Smile: A Photo Restored to Life

17/10/2024 By msngan

In the annals of history lies a peculiar anomaly – a photograph from the 1570s depicting an otherworldly figure sporting a mysterious smile, juxtaposed with …

Egypt’s Labyrinth Secrets: Ancient Wonders Below

17/10/2024 By msngan

Beneath the sands of the Egyptian desert, archaeologists have discovered a vast underground labyrinth filled with hieroglyphics, intact artifacts and hidden chambers. A secret temple, …

Pyramid-Building Statues: A Startling Theory

17/10/2024 By mrbill

A newly discovered ancient Egyptian tomb, filled with eerie, alien-like statues, is sparking some of the most controversial debates in modern archaeology. These towering statues, …

Egypt’s Tomb Proof: Cosmic Civilization Unveiled

17/10/2024 By msngan

In what is being hailed as one of the most extraordinary and paradigm-shifting discoveries of the century, archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a hidden tomb …

Egypt’s Alien Ruins: Sand Holds the Past

17/10/2024 By msngan

In an unprecedented display of zero tolerance for “wokeness,” the NFL kicked off its new season by disqualifying seven players for the egregious offense of kneeling during the national anthem. Yes,…

Bermuda Triangle’s Oddities: Strange Finds Surface

17/10/2024 By mrbill

The Bermυda Triaпgle, a mysterioυs area iп the North Atlaпtic Oceaп, has loпg beeп the sυbject of coυпtless tales aпd theories. Kпowп for its history of υпexplaiпed disappearaпces, this eпigmatic regioп has baffled scieпtists, historiaпs, aпd adveпtυrers for decades. Bυt beyoпd the tales of vaпished ships aпd plaпes, some of the straпgest aпd most bizarre discoveries have beeп made iп its depths.

Tartaria’s Lost Empire: Before the World Shifted

17/10/2024 By msngan

In an unprecedented display of zero tolerance for “wokeness,” the NFL kicked off its new season by disqualifying seven players for the egregious offense of kneeling during the national anthem. Yes,…

Bermuda’s Sea Monsters: Fishermen Face the Unknown

17/10/2024 By mrbill

The Earth is heating up at an alarming rate, bringing with it unprecedented climate changes. But what has stunned the world is not just the …