In 1974, Egypt had to issue a passport to Ramses II, 3,000 years after his death.

16/10/2024 By mrbill

In 1974, an extraordinary event occurred when Ramses II, the renowned Egyptian pharaoh, embarked on a journey to the Louvre Museum in Paris to undertake …

Winged Giant Skeleton: A Community Stirred

16/10/2024 By msngan

The skeleton was reportedly discovered during an excavation at an undisclosed location in the Middle East. Researchers were stunned by the sight of the skeleton, which they estimated to be at least 100 feet long and 100 feet wide.

Remarkable find revealed: Soldier’s skull fused to chainmail unearthed from Battle of Visby

16/10/2024 By mrbill

On the tranquil island of Gotlapid, nestled in the middle of the serene Baltic Sea, lies an evocative relic of a bygone era: a skull adorned with remains of medieval chaiпmail. This striking artefact, excavated from a mass grave near the town of Visby, whispers tales of a fierce battle that forever left its mark on the island’s history.

World’s first pregnant ancient Egyptian mummy discovered, dating back over 2,000 years and 28 weeks pregnant

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Experts from the Polish Academy of Sciences intend to investigate all mummies in museums within the framework of the Warsaw Mummy Project. As part of …

Unearthed Treasures: Golden-Tongued Mummies of Qewaisna Delve into the enigmatic world of these ancient relics and their connection to the afterlife.

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered several ancient mummies with golden tongues, which were thought to help transform the deceased into divine beings.

Visionaries of History: Untold Stories Unfold

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Iп the vast paпorama of hυmaп history, a remarkable cadre of visioпaries has emerged, challeпgiпg the пorms of their eras aпd propelliпg hυmaпity iпto υпexplored realms of thoυght aпd iппovatioп. This article embarks oп a joυrпey to delve iпto the overlooked stories of these pioпeers of aпtiqυity, sheddiпg light oп their extraordiпary achievemeпts aпd the eпdυriпg impact they’ve left oп the aппals of history.

Mermaids or Sirens: Sea’s True Masters?

16/10/2024 By msngan

Oceanic legends often speak of mystical creatures that rule the vast expanse of the sea. Among them, mermaids feature prominently in maritime folklore. These enchanting …

Ancient Diving Gear: 3,000-Year-Old Assyrian Carving Shows Diver Using Inflatable Goat-Skin Bag – The Oldest Record of Diving Ever Found!

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Deep in ancient history, a surprising discovery has emerged, shedding light on the aquatic abilities of forgotten civilizations. A 3,000-year-old Assyrian sculpture has revealed a …

“Soyjack” torture mask 200-year-old bronze torture tool from Germany.

16/10/2024 By mrbill

Some torture devices, such as the rack, were real. Others were probably invented to help perpetuate the myth of the medieval “Dark Ages.”

Stone Tablets Found in a Cave in Northwest New York Suggest Possible Ancient Egyptian Contact with Extraterrestrial Beings.

16/10/2024 By msngan

Mysteries Revealed: The Egyptians and Their Alleged Contact with the Allies Across the vast expanse of Egyptian history, the legacy of the Egyptians stands as …