The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris
SENNEFER x AFAR MAN“The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor kings as gods; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians site evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians, but it is useless to report that here”
Diodurus of Sicily, 1st Century BCE1b1b & J are the dominant haplogroups among modern Egyptians… (“J” comes from Arabs and Ottoman Turks)E1b1b is the dominant haplogroup among Somalis and Ethiopians…A composite look at most YDNA studies done so far reveals that, out of a total of 459 males sampled from Ethiopia, approximately 58% of Y-chromosome haplotypes were found to belong to Haplogroup E, of which 71% were characterized by one of its further downstream sub lineage known as E1b1b…With respect to E1b1b, some studies have found that it exists at its highest level among the Oromo, where it represented 62.8% of the haplotypes, while it was found at 35.4% among the Amhara, other studies however have found an almost equal representation of Haplogroup E1b1b at approximately 57% in both the Oromo and the Amhara…The haplogroup (as its predecessor E1b1) is thought to have originated in Ethiopia or elsewhere in the Horn of Africa (possibly Somalia)
About one half of E1b1b found in Ethiopia is further characterized by E1b1b1a (M78)…“Egyptian tradition of the Dynastic Period held that the aboriginal home of the Egyptians was Punt”
(Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, ‘A Short History of the Egyptian People With Chapters on Their Religion, Daily Life, Etc’; 1914)Hatshepsut’s inscriptions claim that her divine mother Hathor was from Punt…“The Egyptians sometimes called Puntland ‘Ta-Netjeru’, meaning “Land of the God,” and considered it their place of origin”
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