Unearthed treasure: Monk discovered preserved in 17th century crypt in astonishing find

October 16, 2024

Discovered behind the pale pink facade of the Bron Hood Chapel, hiding the murmurs of monks who were solemnly blessed there.

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To reach the vault, visitors must navigate through narrow cobbled passages adorned with stalactites and the digitaria vaults.

Among them, a corpulent woman stands at a stand, accompanied by a label informing visitors that she was lovingly accepted. Such tragic mistakes were common during an era when paralysis and foundations were unexplored, and trust in corruption was poorly understood, and the undivided influence in the crypt killed this fatal influence.

Unearthed treasure: Monk discovered preserved in 17th century crypt in astonishing find

However, the main purpose of this sacred space is to serve as the final resting place of the Capuchin monks. For a period of 300 years, these monks placed their deceased bodies beneath the church. However, this practice was eventually banned by laws raised in the latter half of the 18th century.

Mummification was the intention; in accordance with their vow, the monks were buried in a bed of rocks. Fortunately, the current drainage and unique position of the bodies in their respective rock layers ensured their perpetual repose.

The vault is truly remarkable. Twenty-four monks were perfectly preserved, rooted in the rock of the floor. Adorned with roots across the floor. Some appear preserved or imprisoned. While some look like roses or held by thorns. Despite some erroneous assumptions, others have expressions of fear or sorrow embedded in their wax faces.

After his final investigation, a saying, in chilling symmetry, is inscribed in Czech: “As you are now, we were; as we are now, you will be.”